Gratitude is an emotion that strengthens relationships and builds trust. Reflecting on gratitude is a wonderful way to enhance your relationship with others and yourself. Enjoy this six-minute guided contemplation on someone you are grateful for, someone who is grateful for you, and something you are grateful to yourself for.

This practice is excerpted from my upcoming audio program with Sounds True, 40 Days to Positive Change: Daily Support to Create a New Habit. Research also shows that gratitude creates a state of mind and body that supports positive choices in all aspects of your life. A daily gratitude practice can fuel you with the energy, hope, and courage to take action toward your goals.

“Whether it’s exercising every day, devoting yourself fully to a personal project, or establishing a regular meditation practice, this innovative program will provide the scaffolding necessary to instill a positive habit in your life. Drawing upon the latest neuroscientific and behavioral research, 40 Days to Positive Change emphasizes that new habits are built on a foundation of intention, gratitude, joy, loving compassion, and interdependence. Part mentor, part professor, and part coach, McGonigal will guide you in daily practices and lessons to follow through in each of these areas. By the end of this audio journey, you’ll have all the tricks and tools you need to live out your new, better habit without letting it drop by the wayside.” Sounds True

Explore my other audio programs with Sounds True:

The Science of Compassion: A Modern Approach for Cultivating Empathy, Love, and Connection

The Neuroscience of Change: A Compassion-Based Program for Personal Transformation